Okay, I normally like to be humble but this was just awesome.  At the end of the day of connecting, discussing, feeling, dancing, juggling and visioning.  We sat down to see what it all means in terms of creating a values statement.  Co facilitator Sylvie Plante led the discussion and took many notes.  There were arrows flying all over as the 8 people all added their ideas to the mix.  I listened in the background for the 'shape' of the conversation.
The team was talking about many values at many levels, personal, professional, organizational but all mish mashed.  When one participant, Veronica said, "I have an image of a mandala."  I jumped at the chance to create the ultimate challenge of graphic recording - a comprehensive mandala performed in real time.
There were about ten minutes left in the conversation and there was a little frustration that people had said a lot but not coming to a conclusion.  I went up to the flip-chart and started drawing furiously so everyone could see.  So when the ten minutes was up, Sylvie invited any final thoughts about the values statement.

 I offered to share the mandala sketch, and explained my rough image of three nested circles of personal, professional and organizational, with the four main values at the outside and the related values working into the center.  A big theme of the day had been about talking responsibility for our mood, actions, and relationships.  I drew an individual at the center.  

When I finished explaining the mandala, there was a short silence followed by exclamations.
"Two words:   C'est ca!"    followed by happy group laughter....
"You just 'channeled' the whole thing in 10 minutes!"

It was a great feeling.  My energy was spent in fulfilling a great purpose.  These folks in a quiet and sometimes tense department about conflict management, were talking about some really important principles, if taken widely within the government, could transform a stodgy bureaucratic soul draining place into a vibrant organization where people love to work.  When they described their purpose and their path, they saw themselves as a pack of wild horses, discovering new territory. They have great personal and team power.  I wish them the very best .  I was happy to then create the mandala on the computer as you see in the image above.  I was even inspired to write the first draft of the text you see with the mandala, which they liked and modified only slightly.  They will print this and have it mounted on their wall as well as on websites and employee manuals.

Another great day being a graphic facilitator!
If you want a gorgeous vision or values statement for your team, just email me kara@ahagraphic to discuss how we can help your team build clarity, discover insights and experience success!

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